Monday, March 3, 2014

Yes, I have cellulite too!

I think there is often a misunderstanding when it comes to fitness competitors. First of all, most of us do not stay in stage shape. Some will stay more fit than others and some let themselves go. I am not constantly doing photo-shoots, so I just try to stay a couple of weeks out from "photo ready". The longer you maintain a healthy lifestyle, the easier it is to maintain a leaner look. As I have been laying off the gym the last 4 weeks, I have tried not to look at myself constantly in the mirror. This will only give me time to critique the negative changes. That is why weekly I have been taking a photo of my abs and being done with it. My goal was to eat healthy and monitor the changes. But let me be honest, I have not eaten real clean. Surprisingly however, there has not been that much change in my mid-section (that's a good thing). But wait, I noticed the changes in my thighs. I have always had some cellulite, even in my younger 20's. I hated it and for the most part I am not a fan. However, as I have competed, I have learned to give less attention to that negative part and focus more on the positive a tight mid-section that I didn't have prior to eating healthy and competing. 

So why have I never shared cellulite photos? Well, for a couple of different reasons. First of all, ewe! Why show the part of me I hate worse? Secondly, as I became more "OK" with it I was afraid of the responses, mainly from those who have lots of cellulite. I could hear them saying..."Where? I don't see any. That's not much." But for me it bothered me the same. That's where I am just like you. I do have insecurities and it is hard to show your vulnerability.

What is cellulite? There are so many different answers to what it is and why some have it and others don't. I believe it to be somewhat hormonal related as to how much you have. It seems to show up more around our periods. This could be do to water retention as well. It will be more prevalent when you are retaining water. It has also been thought to be the way the muscle fibers cross in women. More like a tic-tac-toe design than in men. And of course fat. Once you develop fat cells they are there. As you lose fat and get leaner those fat cells shrink and are less noticeable. They don't go away. That may be the best explanation. I have more prominent cellulite on my right thigh. It does not go away until my body fat falls below 12 percent. I don't stay below 12 percent, therefore I usually always have it. Whatever the reason...why don't men have it as much? LOL

Anyway, after taking 4 weeks off and not eating my typical meal plan my cellulite has become more prominent. In fact, I see it more now on my left thigh as well. It's hard to get a good picture (thankfully) of my cellulite by myself. Is it because I have gained fat, or because the foods I am eating are high in sodium and causing me to retain water? It could be a combination of both. Below are my pics from first week to 4th week off from the gym and yes, my cellulite pic. Be kind...I'm normal.

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