This year I have decided to chronicle a bit of my life in regards to preparing for a NPC bikini show. I am asked a lot of questions regarding my training, but many don't realize the other aspects involved. I am going to put myself out there in hopes that I can encourage other women to be honest with themselves. No woman likes seeing herself in less than perfect form or a positive light. But, lets get one is Perfect...including myself. Thru this blog I hope to conquer my own insecurities when it comes to my personal self image. I plan on doing this by posting pictures (if I can figure out how to; I am not computer savy) of me before I start to train. No one pays me to stay looking stage ready, so truthfully, I don't. In the days to come I will share with you my eating and exercise habits as well as the mental struggles to getting back on track.
MY GOAL: As of now I am planning on doing a show in the Summer. This doesn't mean I can wait till 12 weeks out from a show to diet....I have to begin to do mental training now. I will follow a semi strict meal plan until Valentines Day. It will be at that time I will check my body fat and map out my course of training and diet until my show date. It sounds silly, but that is the way to insure that I leave nothing on the table. Will it be worth it? ABSolutely!
You go girl, I will be using Will's account but its me-Alicia Burgin. I am glad to see you are doing this. You go girl.