Monday, June 16, 2014

The Art of Narcissism

As I take the year off from competing to enjoy time with the family, reflect, and make plans for the future, I also spend a little more time following people on Instagram and Facebook. I came across someone's post (I won't say who) and I thought to myself...."Well, that is Narcissism at it's best". 

I understand anyone (including myself) is a bit narcissistic if you participate in any form of social media. Being a WBFF PRO, I understand the political side of "getting out there" and making yourself familiar to people. Especially, if you are promoting a business of some sort; whether it is your own or a sponsor, it is a great form of advertising and it's free. But do we take it too far? Do we really want to look at pictures of your fifth vacation of the year? Of course not, it makes us jealous. The same goes with progress pics. I know the general public could give a hoot about whether or not I am making progress. In fact, most only look in hopes of seeing me fail. That is human nature and that's OK with me. But this recent post irritated me so much that I could not help but to vent here on my blog. By the time I finished this post however, I saw yet another person do the same thing. It's a narcissistic epidemic. 

This up and coming "fitness model" (and she is a real model not a want to be) proceeded to write about all that she had been doing the past 13 months or so. She left nothing out. Competing in a show, where she placed, photo shoot with (name drop here) and photo shoot with (name drop there). So many name drops! She is so perfect; she only eats bad once every 1.5 months. She was published in this magazine and was on the cover of this on line magazine blah blah blah blah! She mentioned all her business ventures and who is sponsoring her photo shoot clothes and so on and so forth. She has something "exciting" coming up soon, but that was the only thing she didn't want to brag about at the moment. I guess if it wasn't all listed on Instagram it may not have been so overwhelming. Isn't Instagram for pictures? She knows how to work it that's for sure. With thousands of followers who am I to say? But come on? In response I would like to give you just a glimpse into not the last 13 months but a typical recent day in my a mother and a wife.

Get up, make sure kids are dressed, fed, and homework together and backpacks packed. Don't forget to pack lunches and snacks. Get them to school. Go see a patient anywhere from 1-2 hours away (if I am lucky enough to have any work, that's been another source of stress). Hit the gym, hit Wal-mart. Oh Crap! I forgot Blake's toes are literally showing through his shoes...need to run to store and pick up a new pair. Oh crap! I forgot I signed up to bring drinks to the end of the year party at school. Oh Crap! Colton's end of the school year party is today. Dang it! Where is that email telling me where and what time? Man I'm thankful that today they don't have reading and homework like they do every other school day. And I am glad basketball is over, cause I don't have to coach one team and help with the other. And at least right now my 8 week rotation in children's church is not upon us, cause we just finished early this year with that. Going on... Pick up kids from school. Pick up some chicken strips for kids to snack on before making it to the party. "Screaming heard coming from backseat". Oh Crap! Gravy is everywhere including all over my son. UGH! MY NEW CAR! Make a call for change of clothes. Thank God for my husband. At this point I realize I am having a break down and cannot handle it today. How in the world did I manage to do all this and prep for my shows all these years? I'm not even prepping for a show! Typically I'll have supper on the table by 5:15pm and probably doing a load of laundry. But today, I call my husband and tell him he has to cancel his Thursday night fishing tournament this week cause momma is Cra Cra. Straightening up the house is last on my list and usually happens the night before my housekeeper comes anyway, so I am not bothering with that tonight. I'm typically so tired that I am out before my head hits the pillow....and that night was no exception.

Yep! You want to brag about something? No one has more room to brag than a mom. I have accomplished a lot in my life and have failed at even

more. But nothing is as brag worthy as what I, and so many moms do on a daily basis for our families. Being humble these days is understandably difficult when you are living in a world that thrives on "look at me". I'm guilty for sure and if nothing else, reading this young woman's post has made me realize that I need to be careful how I come off. Please don't take this as me being a "hater". She has a great future ahead of her and I truly believe she will do well. I like to see humility in people and she is lacking in that department. Am I concerned she will read this? LMAO Trust me. I'm not big enough for her to follow.

As for me, I will probably continue to post accomplishments of my kids and myself at times...But I will just try to be humble about it.

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