Thursday, January 31, 2013

January 2013 progress...

Today is the first day I took pictures to track my progress for the 2013 season. I was very disappointed in the results and a bit frustrated too. My goal was to maintain around 14-15% and no higher. Somewhere in the last couple of months, I have crept up to almost 16%. Not a big deal to the average person, but to a competitor that one percent is going to be a problem.

The problem here is that I am preparing for a photo shoot on March 3rd. I do not need to be "show" ready, but I do need to be leaner. And for me that means I need to be below 12% because that is when my cellulite goes away. YES, I have cellulite. It plagues me like it does most women. I embrace it now in everyday life and live with it, but I am not embracing the idea of looking at it in a photo...even if it can be airbrushed out. I will still know it was there.

I have been dieting the last two weeks a bit stricter, allowing only one cheat meal per week. So why did I not lose? I have to be honest with myself and lately I have not. My hormones have been out of whack for quite some time now and I have complained about it but have not done anything about, until yesterday that is. I am now seeing a doctor who was very concerned about me and my current symptoms. Labs, a biopsy, and more tests next week will rule out anything serious. I will start a new medication tomorrow that I hope will give me some relief and maybe allow my body to return to normal. Well, lets me honest, this is probably "normal" for someone my age. Getting older just SUCKS!

If your hormones are not regulated it can have a huge impact on weight loss. I am certain I will have all this "fixed" in a couple of months, but until then I may find it to be quite the struggle. I have to have patience but be diligent about my training and not give in to "getting down" over it. Believe me, I just wanted to come home and eat a bag of chips when I saw no change. Instead, I just ate what I was supposed to and said, next week will be better. 

If you are struggling with weight loss or meeting your goals, I encourage you to hang in there. It happens to all of us at different times. You can't win if you don't finish so see it thru.

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Decision made...goals set

I finally made my decision to switch from the NPC and go with the WBFF. In doing this, I also decide to join a great group of women...Team BSH (Bling, Sweat, and Heels). I don't think I could have picked out a better name. It kind of describes me to a T. This group of women are like a support group. They offer encouragement, advice, and are there for those "off" days that we all have. I am just trying to get to know them thru facebook and chats and can't wait until I can meet them in person. I will be sharing more about my team as I begin my count down to my first WBFF show on May 25th in Kansas City. Follow me on facebook at the link below.

Monday, January 14, 2013


It's taken me a little time, but here is some information and my opinion of the WBFF and what it has to offer.  My research comes from watching numerous videos, looking at photos, and talking with promoters and competitors in this organization. Remember, I am unbiased here and have never competed in or known anyone personally that competed in this organization. I hope I got all the information correct and apologize if I missed something.

I will start off by saying it was hard researching this organization. There are some videos but I never knew if I was watching the Diva fitness model or the diva bikini models. I'm not sure if I am even getting the names right. Anyway, I am going to try and clear some of this up. I have been following a promoter and his wife on facebook for some time now. One thing I noticed was how helpful they seemed to be with competitors. Very encouraging. In fact I spoke with them both. Randy and Lisa Sandberg are their names and you can look them up on facebook. They are very nice people with a love for the sport and their organization. I gained so much knowledge about the organization from them. Randy and I spoke mainly about the WBFF itself as an organization. It started in Canada in 2007 (if I remember correctly) and came to the US in 2010. Paul and Allison Dillett are the brilliant minds behind this organization. It seems as if they do a lot to promote their competitors as well...and what competitor wouldn't want that. If you promote your people, they will promote you. What a great two way street. They give the competitors plenty of time on stage to showcase their physique as well as their personality. They are looking for a great physique as well as marketability.

Below is the judging criterion for the Female Diva Fitness Model directly cut and pasted from their official site. This competitor will have more muscle tone than Diva Bikini Model. Lisa Sandberg explained it this way...the fitness model would have muscle tone like that of the figure girls in the NPC.

Female Diva Fitness Model:
  • Bikini round
  • Theme wear round

Female Diva Fitness Model Attire Expectations:
Theme wear Round: As a WBFF Fitness Model we require female competitors to bring a creative , and glamorous theme wear to the stage. Different ideas may be, Carnival theme, Vegas Show Girls, Victoria Secret glamour, this round should not become confused with a sportswear theme round. This is definitely a very creative and glamorous round for the female delegates to display their physical beauty and conditioning.
Diva Fitness Bikini Suit
Any color pattern and style. As it is conservatively presentable. Thong style or any other inappropriate swimwear is absolutely not allowed.

·  Round #1: Themewear round, prejudging show (example: Victoria Secret style themewear must compliment the competitors physique. See above suggestions )
·  Round #2: Swimsuit bikini round
40%- Overall Marketability
20%- Stage Presence, Poise, Confidence

Diva Bikini Model Criteria:
The Diva Bikini Model is primarily a beauty contest. Competitors are judged upon their overall beauty and body shape and tone. This competition consists of two rounds, bikini round, and evening gown round
Female Diva Bikini Model Attire Expectations:
Bikini Suit
Swimsuit Competition:
Attention is focused on beauty of face, figure, physical fitness, and the confidence with which each contestant carries herself.
Any color pattern and style. As it is conservatively presentable. Thong style or any other inappropriate swimwear is absolutly not allowed.

Evening Gown: The following are guidelines and expectations set forth by the WBFF. Each delegate wears a gown she has chosen for herself. Attention is focused on each contestant’s overall appearance, self-confidence, sense of style and the beauty she brings to the gown of her choice.
Long gown length that falls below ankles. Any style, fabric, beads and sequins is fine. It is suggested that the female competitor chooses a gown that best shows their personality but also very a gown that is fashionable and couture. Too much patterning is not advised.

Round #1: Bikini Round two piece any style that best compliments your physique
Round #2: Evening Gown Round- Gown must be classy form fitted and long , any style

I believe the breakdown in scoring is the same as in the diva fitness model.

One thing I really like is that you can qualify for your pro card in the 35+ division. Unfortunately, they don't offer a masters class at the pro level.

Here are some comments I have heard before regarding the WBFF and my comments to them. 

1. I heard its easy to get your pro card. Not true. The Dilletts reserve the right to hand out a pro card to anyone they believe can compete at their pro level. That means if 2nd and 3rd looked good enough for their pro division, they may offer them their pro card. By the same token, if the show is not as competitive as they would like and they don't think the winner is ready to compete at their pro level, then they won't offer one to her. I think this is a great way to build your pro team in the growing years. Remember when the NPC first brought out bikini? Anyone could compete at the national level for their pro card that first and maybe second year. As long as politics and favoritism don't influence their decision (and why would they want it to? They want the best to represent them.) then this could work.

2. It's not as competitive as the NPC and IFBB- I would disagree here as well. Both the IFBB and the WBFF have pros that have graced the covers of magazines. However, in the IFBB the pros are usually signed with FMG talent who primarily do business with Muscle fitness Hers due to their relationship with the head guy. I don't think I really need to name names here. I have seen many of the WBFF pros on the covers (and several times each) of a variety of different magazines. My point is, that is hogwash. If I were to earn my pro card with the WBFF, I would be competing against models that have graced the cover of Oxygen magazine 5 times. (And that's just one example) I'm not saying the pros in the IFBB don’t look great, cause they all do, I'm just saying so do the pros in the WBFF.

One thing I do like about the WBFF is the girls don't look cookie cutter to me. They each bring a different unique physique to the stage. That is probably the one thing I disliked most about the IFBB. The girls look great, but they all look the same to me...and I find that boring.

3. It's more expensive to compete in the WBFF. That may be true. You will have a bikini as well as either a costume or an evening gown. That can cost you some dough if you don't know how to shop like a bargain hunter.

I was pleasantly surprised by the information I gained about this organization. So much so, that I am rethinking my plans for this year's competition season. Check in with me because I will be making my decision this week.